What may come in my Way this year, i know it's from you God.
I know you are going to mold me and use me for your purpose.
Use me for I pray.
I have seen the world that is fallen, loving others for the wrong purpose, People Swearing, People being Hurt by others, people seeking for love else where, people having no purpose in life, people feeling lost and out of place, clubbings and seek the wrong love. i don't want to be like them. I want to live my life right.
Lord, i will set my eyes on you, only you. I wont want to be like the rest but the best i can be in You.
Use me and help me to follow you for only you can fill me up with your love,which never fails.
I will carry my cross and follow you, a life that live for you and not to the fallen world.
Men can will always fail men, but God, you never fail us, for you are a faithful and Loving God.
Lord, forgive me for my sins last year and i really pray a new beginning this year. Please help me set my new year right with the right purpose in mind.
Im giving you my struggles, my emotions, my doubts and my worries to you. I dont wish to think so much of her and that guy anymore and end up hurting myself. Guard my Heart will you? Guard my heart and Let it Go. Help me for i cant do this alone. I have to realise that You will bless me with the right one. I will Try god. I will. It's tough and the biggest struggle i have yet to overcome till now, even now when im typing. God please.. will you take this away?
I also want to commit many people into your hands. Many people whom i love dearly and want them to know you too God, if not, get back to you. I will live up for your purpose and calling in my life. Help me and strengthen me for i am weak and timid.
I Thank you Lord for all the things and amazing wonders you have bless me in 2010, It's been the best year and i Ask for a Better one this year! thank you for wonderful people you have blessed in my life.
Thank you. It will be a awesome year with you this year! By Faith!
Love you God, Help me to Love you More!