How are u Living Your life?
Do U find your life being stagnant in a way?
Cuz i do feel it sometimes..
After knowing friends who are older than mi..
I learnt that Life at their Age will be another level of living...
Unlike me..who is still at my 18th young adult...Studying..
Different ages of Friends have shown me and warned me..
Army, Career, Relationship, Marriage, Parenting are the challenges ahead.
And esp after i went for ITP(industrial training programme)..
Reality showed me a glimpse of wad the are the real challenges that i will face in the future..
Cuz it's career.. i cant escape the fact i need to work for my family.
Therefore before even worrying about the future..
I jus wan to mature quickly and be exposed to as much things i can now while im young..
All i can do is to enjoy my youth life.. and study hard..!
And of course Treasure True Friendships i have now..
True Friends whom i can Trust and be Honest with and have Authentic fun with..
Sadly enough.. I found friends outside my church who are better..
That's all.